How to Submit a Testing Agreement for your Class

Testing Agreement Spring 2025 Now Available


While academic departments and faculty members are primarily responsible for providing testing accommodations to students with disabilities, the DSP Proctoring Center may provide support (proctors and space) in the event that the department or faculty do not have the requisite resources to provide these accommodations. Due to space limitations, we give preference to students who require accommodations like 200%+ extended time, room alone, scribe, use of a computer or assistive technology, etc. Students who require accommodations like a 150% reduced distraction environment will be put on a standby list and scheduled if seating is available. Please make every effort to provide accommodations for students with 150% extended time and reduced distraction within your department. 

We encourage faculty to fill out all Alternative Testing Agreements at the beginning of each semester and include all exams for the entire semester, including your final exam. We will accommodate shorter requests for late accommodations letters as Proctoring Center space allows.  

Note: Once the Alternative Testing Agreement has been completed, students are responsible for submitting their own Exam Requests through their DSP Student Portal. 

Deadline to include a final exam (or make any changes) in your Spring 2025 Testing Agreement:

  • Friday, April 18th

The deadline for students to submit exam requests are...

  • 1 week prior to the date of your quizzes and midterms 
  • 2 weeks prior to the date of your final 

 Students should be encouraged to schedule all their exams, including their finals, at the earliest possible opportunity to avoid last-minute requests.

A separate Testing Agreement must be submitted through the DSP Faculty Portal for each course/section in which you are requesting proctoring services, including a separate request for cross-listed classes. Be sure to distinguish between Lecture sections and Discussion sections. If you submit a testing agreement for a discussion section, only students in that section will be able to schedule their exams.

All exams must be taken between the hours of 8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday--Friday

Logging into the DSP Faculty Portal and Filling out the Testing Agreement

Please note that students are now responsible for submitting their own exam requests. After you fill out the Testing Agreement, please notify your students to log in to their DSP Student Portal to request ALL exams included in the agreement.

1. Use your UC Berkeley ID and Password to log into the DSP Faculty Portal.  

2. Read all Reminders and click the Continue to View Student Accommodations button.

3. Click on the Proctoring link under Views and Tools.

4. Select the class in which you are requesting DSP Proctoring services from the drop-down menu and select
Continue to Specify Alternative Testing Agreement. 

IMPORTANT: If your class is cross-listed with another section you must submit a separate agreement for each cross-listed section.

5. Answer all questions in the Alternative Testing Agreement. This agreement will be referenced for all exams when students submit their exam requests.

6. Select exam type (quiz, midterm, final) from the drop-down list, enter the date for the first exam, and enter the in-class duration in minutes (Do NOT calculate additional time) Click the Add Date button. 

7. Repeat this process for each exam (quizzes, midterms, and final) this semester.

8. Enter your phone number and any additional notes and press Submit Alternative Testing Agreement.

9. You will need to notify your students to log in to their DSP Student Portal to request all their exams after you submit the Testing Agreement. Students will not be notified by the system.*

*Students will be restricted to scheduling their exams only on the date(s) you entered, but can schedule exams AT ANY TIME  of the day between the hours of 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. if you want your students to schedule their exams at a specific start time, you will have to instruct them to do so. All exams begin at the precise time entered. "Berkeley time" does not apply. You can monitor your students' exam requests (including start/end times) through your DSP Faculty Portal.


Please review Exam Proctoring Faculty FAQs for additional information.

If you have any difficulty with these steps or have further questions, please email us at