New Student Orientation - Fall 2020

New Student Orientation Fall 2020 - Video

DSP at UC Berkeley - New Student Orientation - Fall 2020

The Disabled Students' Program at UC Berkeley welcomes all new students to our Fall 2020 New Student Orientation! We are excited to meet you and share information that can help you transition into your experience as a new Cal student. 

Our New Student Orientation will be taking place this year on Thursday, August 20, 2020 from 10-3 PM via the Zoom platform.

To register for the New Student Orientation, please use the DSP New Student Orientation registration form. After you register, we will grant you access to an online resource that has lots of information about DSP and that will help you prepare for the presentation.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments by sending us an email at sends e-mail). We look forward to seeing you there!

DSP will also be offering a one credit course, Access and Self Advocacy, ENG198, for first semester students this Fall! UC Berkeley is not just a prestigious academic institution, it's also a bustling "city" of departments and services with complex policies, procedures, and programs. As a first-semester Freshman or Transfer student, it's important that you get full access to your new community.  We can help!  Please click here for more information or to enroll. 

DSP New Student Orientation Fall 2020 - Flyer

DSP New Student Orientation - Fall 2020

DSP New Student Orientation Flyer - click the link below for an accessible version.