Getting Involved: Programs, Services and Opportunities

Disability Cultural Community Center space

Photo by: Ann Wai-Yee Kwong 

Center Open Community Hours! 

The DCC is open for community hours weekly during the Fall and Spring semesters at Hearst Field Annex D-25. Students, staff, and faculty can reserve rooms and spaces for collaborations, studying, events, or to relax and connect with members from the disability community! 

  • Tuesdays 11:30 AM-5:30 PM 
  • Wednesdays 11:30 AM-5:30 PM 
  • Thursdays 11:30 AM-5:30 PM 

DCC Space and Event Reservation Request Form

Are you interested in hosting an event or gathering at the DCC? Would you like to partner with the center on creating community events? If so, please complete the DCC Space and Event Reservation Form to check space availability! The DCC has spaces ranging from a conference room, Access Tech Lab, kitchenette, and reduced sensory room. 

Get involved!

Current students, staff, faculty , community members, and allies of the disability community can sign-up to receive news of the DCC and center activities using the following: 

Join the General Interest Form and stay connected. 

Locate a full list of events on the DCC Event and Open Community Hours Calendar.

Stay up-to-date with community happenings by following us @ucbdisabilityculture on Instagram.

Throughout the year, the DCC hosts discussions, speakers, study sessions, and informational sessions with on-campus and community partners to foster connections among current students, alumni, faculty, and staff to encourage authentic networks and leadership development. Such activities have included Affinity Spaces conversations, presentation ondisability culture and ableism, access, inclusion and representation for disabled women in the STEAM landscape, tabling for disability awareness alongside student organizations, hosting resource fairs, and more.  

In addition, disability awareness and presence is celebrated and uplifted on campus during October, which coincides with National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) and National Mentoring Day. 

Event at the Disability Cultural Community Center

UC Berkeley photo by Sofia Liascheva