Rachel Marks

DCC Co-Coordinator Rachel Marks

Contact Rachel

E-mail: rmarks@berkeley.edu

Phone: (510) 664-5755

Job title: 
Co-Coordinator DCC

Rachel (she/her) is a proud Berkeley graduate and a Bay Area native. She has worked with and for the disability community for over a decade, and loves learning all the creative ways people manage their needs. She is extremely passionate about ensuring higher education is accessible and welcoming. She would like you all to know that you belong to a Berkeley-based community with a long history of activism, advocacy, and of fighting for dignity, justice, and simply a chance to pursue happiness.

In her free time, Rachel enjoys cuddling her two cats, or any animals that want some love, baking and buying unnecessary baking accessories, and pursuing all the things that make the Bay Area great - the food, the art, the scenery, etc.