Applying for Accommodations
Apply early. If you think you will need an accommodation for a standardized exam, begin the application process well ahead of time. You will need to submit your "request for accommodations" with your other application materials. (Never submit the request for accommodations separately from the other materials.) If you submit the entire packet early, there may be time for you to submit additional materials if you are asked for them. If you are denied accommodations, there may be time to appeal.
Review all direction for test-takers with disabilities on the appropriate website. See the contact list below. Tip: Disability info page addresses change periodically. If you can't find the directions for test-takers with disabilities, do a search for "disability" or go to the section that tells you how to register for tests. You are always welcome to schedule an appointment with your Specialist, who will review the website with you.
While you are at the website, download all the forms you will need, including the ones that your TRIO Specialist must fill out. (Application materials for many tests are also available at the Career Center, 2440 Bancroft Way.) You may also want to print out directions for the applicant (for your reference and your Specialist's).
Note other useful information on the website. For example, ETS website gives you sample questions from various exams and even permits you to take a sample computerized exam. You can also order preparation materials.
Make an EARLY appointment with your TRIO Specialist to discuss the application process, review your documentation and requirements for documentation as specified in the accommodations guidelines for your specific tests. In some instances, you might have to see your diagnosing professional to provide updated documentation.
Follow the application guidelines exactly; don't count on correcting errors or submitting additional documentation later. Submit everything on time or early; you won't be given a break on deadlines because you manage a disability. Follow every direction precisely. Put your name and social security number on every piece of paper you submit.
Consider appealing if your request for accommodations is denied. If you've applied early, it's likely that there will be time for an appeal. Talk with your DSP Specialist about ways you can improve your chances of getting accommodations. You may have to involve your diagnosing professional, as well.
If you receive accommodations, recognize that (for a few exams) your scores may be reported as resulting from "non-standard accommodations." The LSAT, for example, reports that "scores earned with additional test time are reported individually and will not be averaged with standard-time scores of other nonstandard-time scores. Percentile ranks of nonstandard-time are not available and will not be reported."
Contact list for selected pre-graduate and pre-professional exams
Educational Testing Services (ETS)
ETS is responsible for handling several pre- and post-entrance exams, including:
- The Graduate Entrance Examination (GRE)
- Professional Assessment for Beginning Teachers (PRAXIS)
- Test for English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Resources for Test Takers with Disabilities and Health-related Needs at
Graduate Management Admissions (GMAT)
Accommodations for Test-Takers with Disabilities at
Law School Admission Tests (LSAT)
Accommodated testing page at
Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)
California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST)
Requesting alternative testing arrangements for the CBEST
Fee Reductions and Waivers
Educational Testing Services (ETS)
Graduate Management Admissions (GMAT)
Get Assistance with GMAT Exam Fees
Law School Admission Tests (LSAT)
Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)
The MCAT has a Fee Assistance Program.
They can also offer financial assistance to qualified individuals who need updated psycho-educational or medical evaluations to complete their applications for MCAT accommodations.