In order to receive your stipend at the end of the semester, you'll need to complete paperwork. Also, if you do not have another campus job you'll have to complete the I9 on-boarding process.
This process is only required if you have never been a notetaker before. If you've worked for us over the last year, you don't need to do this again
Please note that all processing goes through BEARS Regional services. Processing stipends can take over up to several months as there are multiple steps involved for the onboarding and payment process
Here's how to start the Process
- Fill out the Student Volunteer Notetaker Form If you're a current campus employee that is the only step. If you've never been a campus employee, proceed to step 2.
- Be on the lookout for an email from BEARS Regional Onboarding. Please note this email usually goes out about 2 months into the semester. There will be a Docusign Packet that you will need to complete. More info about I9 documentation can be found HERE.
- Once you complete this process your information will be entered into the UCPATH system. For first time employees a check is issued to the address you provide in your Docusign.
Please feel free to reach out to us at with any questions.
Thank you!
Below is a process map that demonstrates the process that all notetakers must undergo.