American Sign Language (ASL) FAQs for Students
Will I have the same ASL Interpreter for all of my classes?
Interpreters will be scheduled based on logistics and students’ schedules. For classes that are more than an hour in length or with complex content, two interpreters will be assigned. They will switch every 15-20 minutes.
How will I receive ASL Interpreting services remotely?
A video communication service is used for ASL interpreting when a class is held remotely via Zoom. ASL interpreting will be provided virtually through a URL link. Students will be provided the URL link prior to class beginning.
How do I request Services through AIM?
Each semester you must submit your requests in the DSP portal (AIM). It is best to request services as soon as you are registered so there is no delay in services.
Note: These instructions are also available in DOCX and PDF formats.
****Note that it may take up to two weeks to receive real-time captioning services once your request is submitted.
Logging into AIM and Finding Your Classes:
Use your UC Berkeley CalNet ID and Passphrase to log into AIM(link is external).
After logging in, make sure you are in the "My Dashboard" tab.
Scroll down to the section titled “Select Accommodations for Your Class” to find your current registered class(es) with UC Berkeley. If you do not see a course you believe you are registered for, check the “Important Notes” in the yellow box above your classes.
Requesting Accommodations:
1. Under “Step 1: Select Class(es),” select the class(es) for which you wish to receive communication accommodations by checking each course’s corresponding box (see the screenshot below).
2. Click “Step 2: Continue to Customize Your Accommodations” to begin selecting accommodations for each class. If you have multiple accommodations available, they will all be displayed on this screen under each individual course you have selected. For example, in the screenshot below, the student is eligible for multiple communication accommodations.
3. When you have finished selecting your accommodations for each of your classes, click the “Submit Your Accommodation Requests” button at the bottom of the page. This will submit your request for accommodations to the DSP office. Once processed, DSP will email your Faculty Notification Letter to both you and your instructors. At that time, your accommodations for the current semester will be listed on the “My Dashboard” tab.