Application Process

Application Process

If you have already had an intake appointment and you are already active in the Disabled Students' Program, you may go directly to AIM Student Login to request letters and services.

All students taking classes at UC Berkeley (including admitted degree students, Summer Sessions students, and students studying abroad at UC Berkeley) are responsible for completing the following steps to request academic accommodations on the basis of disability:

  1. Click on this link to submit an online application for DSP services. Completing this step will create an account for you with DSP and will keep your medical documentation separate from your other University records. After applying, you must submit documentation and contact DSP for an intake appointment before services will be initiated.
  2. Provide DSP with documentation of your disability. Disability documentation must verify two things: (1) the presence of a diagnosed disability or medical condition and (2) the current impact of the diagnosed disability or medical condition. For detailed information about documentation requirements and for forms that you can give to your medical providers to fill out, visit our DSP Documentation Requirements page. You can upload your disability documentation online at the time that you submit your online application. We encourage you to have your provider send your documentation directly to you, so you can review your documentation before your intake appointment and so you can upload your own copy to your DSP account. If you are unable to upload your documentation, you can email your documentation to or directly to your Disability Specialist, or you can fax your documentation to (510) 643-9686. Documentation must be submitted to DSP in advance of scheduling your intake appointment. 
  3. After submitting your documentation, schedule your Intake appointment with a Disability Specialist by emailing the departmental DSP account at
  4. Meet with your Disability Specialist for an interactive intake appointment to confirm your status as a person with disabilities and to discuss the accommodations or services you may require for equal access to your academic program. While our office is operating remotely due to COVID-19, all appointments will be held via video or via phone. Note: If your disability documentation has not been received by your Disability Specialist at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment, your appointment may need to be rescheduled.
  5. Request your accommodation letters and services every semester as soon as you have registered for classes.

After you have completed the five steps above, you should meet with the instructors of the courses in which you will require accommodations to ensure your accommodations are understood and will be provided in a timely manner.

You must initiate and complete the steps above before you may be approved for DSP services. If you are unable to complete the online application process, you can request assistance by emailing