DSP may provide academic accommodations for students with temporary or unexpected conditions that limit their ability to fully participate in academic programing without having accommodations. Some examples of temporary conditions that may require accommodations include:
- Pregnant students experiencing pregnancy-related functional limitations (pregnant students not experiencing pregnancy-related functional limitations can seek pregnancy accommodations through the campus Title IX Office).
- Students with recently aquired injuries, such as broken limbs or concussions.
- Students recovering from trauma, including survivors of sexual or other physical assaults.
Accommodations created to address temporary conditions still require the application process for new students, including providing medical documentation of the condition and scheduling an intake appointment with a Disability Specialist.
If you are in need of temporary or immediate accommodations, please carefully review the materials required for admission to the DSP, and be prepared to provide all necessary documentation during your intake appointment. This will facilitate our ability to enroll you in our program quickly.