General Statistics
Total Number of Applications Received from 2020 to 2021: 184
Total Number of Students Admitted from 2020 to 2021: 101
Total Number of Graduates (December 2021 & Spring 2022): 49
Average GPA of TRIO graduates: 3.36
Most popular major for graduates: Sociology, B.A. (30%)
Most popular major for continuing participants
1. Sociology (30%)
2.Psychology (18.8%)
3. Computer Science (13.8%)
Average GPA of TRIO continuing participants: 3.34
How many continuing participants are undeclared?
Seniors (13), Juniors (6), Sophomores (8), Freshman (1)
Total: 28
Note: The following statistics show the 2021/2022 Active TRiO Students by college and indicates most popular majors by college.
TRiO Students Most Popular Majors (by College)*
College of Letters and Science | Rausser College of Natural Resources | College of Engineering |
Sociology |
Society and Environment |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) |
Psychology |
Molecular Environmental Biology |
Chemical Engineering |
Computer Science |
Conservation and Resource Studies |
Bioengineering |
*This statistic is provided to show what type of collaborations students can make within their colleges and majors.
TRiO Good Academic Standing Goal
Good Academic Standing Goal: 85% of all enrolled participants being served by the Cal TRiO Disabled Student Support Services project will meet the performance level required to stay in good academic standing at UC Berkeley.
Our 2021-2022 cohort is meeting this goal with 98% of all enrolled Cal TRiO Disabled Student Support Services participants are in good academic standing.
End of the Year Totals
GPA, Academic Year, & Number of Students in Each Year
2.842 - Freshman (4)
2.886 - Sophomore (4)
3.224 - Junior (37)
3.375 - Senior (202)
Graduation Goals
Graduation Goal:
- 85% of new participants served each year will graduate with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent within six (6) years.
- 88% of our Spring 2022 graduates earned their degree in 6 years or less.
Spring 2022 Grads - Entered as Freshman
This graduation goal was met in Spring 2022 by the first-year participants as 100% of these students graduated within six (6) years.
This graduation goal was also met in Spring 2022 by the transfer participants as 100% of these students also graduated within six (6) years.
Together, 100% of our Spring 2022 graduates earned their degree in 6 years or less.