Alternative Media: How To Request Services


To request alternative media each semester, you must log into AIM, which is the new platform DSP will be using to keep information about your accommodations.

Note: These instructions are also available as a DOCX and PDF - How to Request Alternative Media.docx | How to Request Alternative Media.pdf.

Logging into AIM and Finding Your Classes

1. Use your UC Berkeley ID and Password to log into AIM via this link:

2. After logging in, make sure you are in the “My Dashboard” tab.

AIM - My Dashboard.

3. Scroll down to the section titled “Select Accommodations for Your Class” to find your current registered classes.

AIM - Selecting Your Classes.

Requesting Accommodations

1.   Under “Step 1: Select Class(es),” select the classes for which you wish to use alternative media by checking the box next to each course.

2.  Click “Step 2: Continue to Customize Your Accommodations” to begin selecting alternative media for each class. If you are eligible for multiple accommodations, they will all be displayed on this screen under each course. Make sure to select E-Text.

AIM - Selecting Accommodations.

3.  When you have finished selecting E-Text for each of your classes, click the “Submit Your Accommodation Requests” button at the bottom of the page. You are now ready to begin requesting alternative media for your classes.

Note: As an Alternative Media student you will also need to complete the Alternative Media Agreement Form which stipulates the conditions under which you can use the alternative media that we will be creating for you.

Requesting Alternative Media

1.  Click on the Alternative Formats link under My Accommodations; click on Next Term to make sure that the correct term is the active semester.

AIM - Alternative Formats Module.

2. Scroll down to the Request Alternative Formats section. If the professor has already posted book information at the bookstore, books will be listed below. Click on the Select button for each of the books that you would like to request.

AIM - Select Books.

3. If you have a receipt for the book(s) you are requesting, scroll to the Upload Book Receipt section. Click on the Choose File button to browse to the location of your receipt, select the course(s) the receipt is for and click Upload Receipt. Remember that we will not share alternative media for books unless we have received a receipt from you.

AIM - Upload Book Receipt.

4. If your book is not listed within AIM or if you would like to request the bCourse or Course Reader for a class, please scroll down to the Additional Book or Reading Materials section and read the instructions carefully. Select the class that this additional request belongs to. For books, enter as much information as possible (Title, Author, ISBN, Edition); for bCourses or Course Readers, please indicate bCourse or Course Reader in the Title field. Then click Submit Request.

AIM - Additional Book or Reading Materials.

Note: If you are not sure what to request for your classes because your professor has not posted any book information, the DSP Alternative Media unit will get in touch with your professors about your reading materials and will notify you about what you need to request. Once you have information about the readings for your class, follow the above steps in AIM.

Uploading Documents for Conversion

When you submit a custom request, you may also upload the document (<20 MB) you need converted.

1. In the File Information screen, enter the name of the Document, browse to file on your computer, enter a due date*, and (optional) add any notes about the file (e.g., I just need pages 1-40 converted).

2. Click Upload Document (Additional Reading Material)

AIM - Upload a Document

NOTE: You can upload a file to your previous custom request if you do not have it at the time of your request.

* Our standard turn-around times are still in effect for custom requests for alternative media.

Checking the Status of Your Alternative Media

Once your request for alternative media has been submitted, you may track the status of your request by following these steps:

1. Click on the Alternative Formats link under My Accommodations.

2. Find the book or additional request listed under List Books Currently Being Processed.

3. Check the status of the request in the Status Column.

AIM - Book Request Status.

Accessing Your Alternative Media

Once your files have been converted, there will be a Download Book link in the Status column that you can use to access your alternative media.

Download Book link.

Note: Starting Spring 2021 semester, all alternative media will be posted in a Google Drive folder.


If you have any difficulty with these steps or have questions, please email us at

These instructions were adapted with permission from Willamette University's Accessible Education Services Department.