Resources and tutorials highlighting best practice for the development of accessible and inclusive teaching practices for all students, including individuals with autism.
If you are a faculty or staff member at Cal and are interested in scheduling a training session with the Spectrum Connect team, please complete the Campus Training Interest form on the Autism Spectrum Services homepage.
OAR Students with Asperger’s Syndrome: A Guide for College Personnel
A 15 minute video produced by the Organization for Autism Research to offer insight and supportive strategies that University faculty and staff can utilize to support the needs of students with autism on campus.
Universal Design for Learning on Campus
A website designed to introduce Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for postsecondary settings and offer resources for implementing UDL practices into course design.
Stairway to STEM: For Educators
An organization that seeks to build awareness of academic and employer-based STEM programs among individuals with autism.
ASD Reference Guide (pdf)A quick guide to offer insights for faculty regarding common strengths and challenges that students with autism may demonstrate in the postsecondary environment, as well as, a list of associated strategies to consider implementing into your routine teaching and communication practices.