Autism Spectrum Services: Resources for Students

Navigating Transition to College: 

Autism Self-Advocacy Network:

Going to College with Autism:

Stairway to STEM:

Finding Your Way: A College Guide for Students on the Spectrum:

When You Turn 18:

ASD Community-Based Resources: 

Spectrum @ Cal: UC Berkeley student organization

Thinking  Person's Guide to Autism: Autism news and resources from autistic people, professionals, and parents:

Foundations for Divergent Minds blog:

Twitter: #AutChat #ActuallyAutistic

Suggested Books for College Students with ASD: 

Navigating College: A Handbook on College Self Advocacy 

Parties, Dorms and Social Norms: A crash course for safe living for young adults on the Autism Spectrum

Knowing Why: Adult-Diagnosed Autistic People on Life and Autism 

Nerdy, Shy and Socially Inappropriate: A User Guide to an Asperger Life

Career Search & Readiness Resources: 

UC Berkeley Career Center:

Accommodations in the Workplace:

Workplace Disclosure Guide:

Ability Jobs:

Spectrum Careers:

Department of Rehabilitation: